About Parks Canada

Parks Canada administers one of the finest and most extensive systems of natural and cultural heritage places in the world.

From lighthouses to battlefields, historic neighbourhoods to cultural landscapes, there is an amazing array of places and stories to discover.

The vast network of protected areas administered by Parks Canada is a gateway to nature, history, and 450 000 km² of stories from coast to coast to coast.

Parks Canada Official Merchandise

Parks Canada official merchandise was created as a meaningful outlet for expressing the pride and adoration Canadians have for the incredible natural spaces and heritage places found in the country. It helps raise awareness, appreciation and support for Parks Canada’s ongoing efforts to protect and preserve those places on behalf of current and future generations.


Parks Canada Shop Gives Back

Since 2017, a portion of the proceeds from ParksCanadaShop.ca have supported a number of conservation projects.

Tracking changes to Porcupine Caribou Herd summer range in Vuntut National Park

In 2024, online purchases support CaribouRANGE, a collaborative program with Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation that will monitor changes in the Porcupine Caribou Herd’s summer range in Vuntut National Park. The herd’s summer range provides high quality food and escape from insects. Understanding the condition of their summer range and how it may change with a warming climate is essential for effective management. The project will monitor length of the snow season, snow depth, permafrost and soil temperatures, as well as the length of the growing season, rainfall, and vegetation cover. This data will inform management of the caribou herd that is central to the ecology of the north Yukon and to First Nation and Inuvialuit culture.

Keeping mountain goats off the Highway in Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks

In 2023, online proceeds support efforts to reduce mountain goat mortality on the Trans-Canada highway in Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks. Mountain goats are known to descend to the highway for salt, which is essential for a healthy diet. To keep goats off the highway, Parks Canada is placing mineral licks (salt intended for animal consumption) in safer locations along their usual paths. This is just one action Parks Canada ecologists are taking to help keep mountain goats safe along the Trans-Canada Highway and reconnect their natural travel corridors.

Understanding sharks around Gulf Islands National Park Reserve

In 2022, online purchases will support research on shark species found around Gulf Islands National Park Reserve. With about sixteen shark species in British Columbia waters, underwater video footage will help ecologists better understand which species are visiting the islands. As climate change impacts marine dynamics, understanding the sharks living in Canadian waters will allow us to gain a deeper understanding on how to protect the wider marine ecosystem.

Sharing the waters with belugas at Saguenay-St. Lawrence

In 2021, purchases support the scientific monitoring of the St. Lawrence beluga whale at Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Park. From the shore, the Parks Canada research team studies how this endangered species socializes, feeds, and rests. They also characterize recreational boat and ship traffic. Monitoring helps better understand the natural habitat of the beluga whale to put into place strong conservation measures.

Fire for Fauna at Grasslands

At Grasslands, proceeds help fund prescribed fire operations that restore grassland habitat for birds and some iconic prairie species including bison and the super-cute (and threatened) Black-tailed Prairie Dog. Prescribed fire also helps reduce combustible grasses that contribute to uncontrollable wildfires.

Sustaining the Savannah at Point Pelee

At Point Pelee, proceeds are supporting the restoration and conservation of the Lake Erie Sand Spit Savannah which sustains the milkweed plants required by Monarch butterflies. This habitat is also home to other species at risk including Eastern Canada’s only lizard, the Five-lined Skink, and the Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus.

Photo Credit: Neil Fisher

Photo Credit: twildlife

Greater Sage-Grouse at Grasslands

As part of the recovery actions for the Greater Sage-Grouse, Grasslands National Park purchased cameras to assess the effectiveness of perch deterrents used to minimize the impact of road signs to the risk of predation on this endangered species.

Kokanee Salmon in Kluane

In Kluane National Park and Reserve, proceeds helped fund genetic research of the kokanee salmon to determine viable recovery options. Parks Canada is concerned about declining numbers and the genetic health of the current population.

Photo Credit: Steve Hossack

Turtles at Point Pelee

Point Pelee National Park enlisted the help of experts who recommended new measures to make the local habitat safer for turtles, which will also benefit the park’s snakes, frogs, toads and the endangered ‘five-lined skink’, a tiny lizard familiar to the area.

Bats at Thousand Islands

Thousand Islands National Park researchers acquired special sonic listening equipment for monitoring the park’s bat population. This aids Parks Canada’s critical efforts to fight ‘white-nose syndrome’, a disease that threatens Canada’s entire population of cave-dwelling bats.

To learn more about Parks Canada, visit parks.canada.ca



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